June 13 2023 Chapter 23 Word Arrives in Black & Chapter 24 Lost and Found and Lost


Chapter 23 Word Arrives in Black

1. Emulate: means to imitate, follow, or strive to equal or surpass someone or something.

2. Travois: a type of sled or frame used traditionally by Native American peoples, including the Cree, for transportation. It consists of two long poles attached to a frame, with the front ends of the poles harnessed to a draft animal, typically a dog.

3. Calloused: refers to the presence of calluses. A callus is a hardened, thickened area of skin that forms in response to repeated friction, pressure, or irritation. In a figurative sense, calloused can describe a person who has become emotionally hardened or insensitive.

4. Mére: is a French word that translates to "mother" in English.

5. Maneuver: refers to a planned or skillful movement or series of movements, often executed with a specific goal in mind.

6. Trudge: means to walk or march wearily, laboriously, or with great effort.

7. Reader's Digest: a popular general-interest magazine that provides condensed versions of articles and stories from a variety of sources.

8. Astum (Cree 'come here'): a Cree term that translates to "come here" in English.

Chapter 24 Lost and Found and Lost

  1. Initiate: means to begin, start, or introduce something, especially a process, action, or ceremony.

  2. Arsenal: a collection or stockpile of weapons, military equipment, or ammunition.

  3. Calvary: It can also be used to symbolically represent suffering, sacrifice, or a difficult situation OR large group of military.

  4. Serrated: describes the presence of a notched or toothed edge, typically found on a blade or a saw.

  5. Vulnerable: means susceptible to harm, damage, or emotional distress.

  6. Audible: means capable of being heard or perceived by the sense of hearing.

  7. Lasso: a long rope with a loop at one end that is thrown and used to catch or restrain animals, usually around the neck or horns.

  8. Peril: refers to imminent danger, risk, or exposure to harm or injury.

  9. Taut: means pulled or stretched tightly, without slack or looseness.

  10. Convoy: a group of vehicles, ships, or people traveling together for protection, support, or mutual assistance.

  11. Ascend: means to go up, rise, or climb to a higher position or level.

  12. Asphalt: refers to a dark, sticky, and highly viscous material that is used in road construction.

  13. Candidly: means speaking or expressing oneself honestly, openly, and without reservation.

  14. Shriek: refers to a high-pitched, piercing cry or sound that is often loud, sharp, and sudden.

  15. Coup: A coup refers to a sudden, violent, and usually illegal seizure of power from a government or authority.

  16. Peonies: are flowering plants that belong to the genus Paeonia. They are known for their large, showy, and fragrant blooms, and they come in a variety of colors.

  17. Anguish: refers to severe mental or emotional distress, often characterized by extreme pain, sorrow, or torment. It signifies intense suffering or agony.

  18. Kiiwen (Ojibwe 'go home'): an Ojibwe term that translates to "go home" in English.

Discussion Question: Through most of the novel Frenchie is annoyed or confused by Minerva. Why is he now so determined to rescue her?


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