May 30 2023 Chapter 9 - Story Part 2 & Chapter 10 Back Into The Woods

 Chapter 9 - Story Part 2 & Chapter 10 Back Into The Woods

Story Part 2 Vocab

  1. Infallibility: refers to the quality or state of being incapable of making mistakes or being wrong. It suggests that someone or something is completely reliable or flawless.

  2. Reverence: a feeling or attitude of deep respect, admiration, and awe towards someone or something. It implies a sense of honor, veneration, and reverence for a person, idea, or object.

  3. Uncanny:  describes something that is strange, mysterious, or eerie in a way that seems unnatural or beyond normal understanding. 

  4. Honorarium: a payment or fee given to someone in recognition of their services, expertise, or contribution, typically in a professional or academic context. 

  5. New Agers: refers to individuals who embrace or follow New Age spirituality, which is a loosely defined movement characterized by a focus on personal spiritual growth, alternative healing practices, holistic beliefs, and a blend of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions.

  6. Appropriate: to take possession or make use of it for a particular purpose, often with the understanding that it is done in a proper or acceptable manner. 

  7. Commodity: In the context of economics and trade, a "commodity" refers to a raw material, product, or resource that is bought and sold in the marketplace. 

  8. Siphon: refers to the act of drawing off or transferring a liquid or substance from one container to another using a tube or a similar mechanism. It may also have a metaphorical or symbolic connotation related to the extraction of bone marrow.

Chapter 10 Back Into The Woods

  1. Contemplate: means to think deeply, reflect, or consider something carefully. 

  2. Hibachi: a small portable charcoal grill or a traditional Japanese heating device used for cooking. 

  3. Predicament: refers to a difficult, challenging, or problematic situation in which one finds oneself. It suggests a state of being trapped, faced with a dilemma, or in a difficult circumstance.

  4. Cumulous: could refer to "cumulus," which is a type of cloud formation characterized by large, fluffy, rounded clouds with a flat base and a domed or bulging top. 

  5. Rending: refers to the act of tearing apart, splitting, or separating something forcefully or violently. 

  6. 360o:"360o" likely refers to a complete or full circle. It can symbolize a comprehensive view or understanding, encompassing all aspects or perspectives.

  7. Momentum: refers to the force or energy gained by a moving object or the impetus or driving force behind a particular action or event. It suggests a sense of forward motion, progress, or the continuation of an activity or process.

  8. Cadence: refers to the rhythmic flow or pattern of sound, speech, or movement. In the context of the novel, it may be used to describe the pace or rhythm of walking or marching.


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