May 23 2023 Chapter 7 The 4 Winds Review & Read

Review -  A Rougarou Story from Métis Legacy Vol II

Review: Chapter 7 Vocab

Chapter 7 The Four Winds pg 56
• Nonchalant: refers to a state of being calm and relaxed, often displayed in the face of adversity or challenging circumstances without losing connection to cultural resilience and strength.
• Pendleton blanket: symbolizes a traditional and significant item of warmth, comfort, and cultural identity, often representing the rich history and artistry of indigenous peoples' weaving traditions.
• Bilious: connotes a feeling of sickness, unease, or imbalance within the body, mind, and spirit, reflecting the interconnectedness of health and harmony with the land and community.
• Atrophy: signifies a condition of wasting away or a loss of vitality, representing the detrimental effects of colonization, cultural erosion, and disconnection from ancestral knowledge and practices.
• Wainscoting: refers to the decorative wooden paneling found on the walls of traditional dwellings, often reflecting the craftsmanship and cultural significance of indigenous architecture and design.
• Kokum (Cree 'grandmother'): Cree word meaning 'grandmother,' and in the book, it signifies a position of respect and wisdom, embodying the nurturing, guiding presence of elders within indigenous communities.
• Euchre: represents a card game played within indigenous communities, often fostering social interaction, storytelling, and cultural preservation.
• Feral: denotes a wild or untamed nature, highlighting the resilience and deep connection to the natural world often embraced and celebrated within indigenous cultures.
• Turrets: refer to the architectural features of a building, often symbolizing a fortified and protective structure, reflecting the importance of safety, community, and defense within indigenous contexts.
• Dignitaries: signify individuals who hold positions of authority, power, or leadership within indigenous communities, often representing the collective voice and aspirations of the people.
• Dilapidated: describes a state of disrepair, often referencing the neglect and impact of historical and ongoing colonization on indigenous lands, infrastructure, and cultural sites.
• Amalgamated: refers to the blending, mixing, or merging of diverse cultural elements, representing the ongoing process of cultural revitalization, resurgence, and reclaiming indigenous identity.
• Grandfather Teachings: represent the traditional wisdom, values, and guidance passed down through generations, encompassing concepts such as respect, love, wisdom, humility, bravery, honesty, truth, and spirituality within indigenous cultures.

• Rogarou: a creature from Métis folklore, blending indigenous and European mythologies, representing a shape-shifting entity or a person under a curse, symbolizing the complexities of cultural syncretism and the enduring presence of indigenous storytelling and beliefs.

Read - Chapter 7 The 4 Winds Read

Complete - Quote & Map  

Post Ch. 7 Reading.
  • Group Work: Create a Venn Diagram regarding the similarities and differences between this story and the one Minerva tells in this chapter.


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