May 30 2023 Chapter 9 - Story Part 2 & Chapter 10 Back Into The Woods
Chapter 9 - Story Part 2 & Chapter 10 Back Into The Woods Story Part 2 Vocab Infallibility: refers to the quality or state of being incapable of making mistakes or being wrong. It suggests that someone or something is completely reliable or flawless. Reverence: a feeling or attitude of deep respect, admiration, and awe towards someone or something. It implies a sense of honor, veneration, and reverence for a person, idea, or object. Uncanny: describes something that is strange, mysterious, or eerie in a way that seems unnatural or beyond normal understanding. Honorarium: a payment or fee given to someone in recognition of their services, expertise, or contribution, typically in a professional or academic context. New Agers: refers to individuals who embrace or follow New Age spirituality, which is a loosely defined movement characterized by a focus on personal spiritual growth, alternative healing practices, holistic beliefs, and a blend of Eastern and Wester...