
Showing posts from May, 2023

May 30 2023 Chapter 9 - Story Part 2 & Chapter 10 Back Into The Woods

 Chapter 9 - Story Part 2 & Chapter 10 Back Into The Woods Story Part 2 Vocab Infallibility: refers to the quality or state of being incapable of making mistakes or being wrong. It suggests that someone or something is completely reliable or flawless. Reverence: a feeling or attitude of deep respect, admiration, and awe towards someone or something. It implies a sense of honor, veneration, and reverence for a person, idea, or object. Uncanny:  describes something that is strange, mysterious, or eerie in a way that seems unnatural or beyond normal understanding.  Honorarium: a payment or fee given to someone in recognition of their services, expertise, or contribution, typically in a professional or academic context.  New Agers: refers to individuals who embrace or follow New Age spirituality, which is a loosely defined movement characterized by a focus on personal spiritual growth, alternative healing practices, holistic beliefs, and a blend of Eastern and Western spiritual traditi

May 29 2023 Chapter 8 Wab's Coming To Story pg 80

  Chapter 8 Wab's Coming To Story pg 80 •  Niibin (Ojibwe 'it is summer'):  represents the Ojibwe word for 'it is summer.' It symbolizes a season of growth, abundance, and connection to the natural world, reflecting the importance of harmonious relationships with the land and the cycles of life. •  Spam:  refers to a processed meat product that became a staple in many Indigenous communities due to the scarcity of traditional food sources, highlighting the impact of colonization and the disruption of traditional food systems on Indigenous diets. •  Feisty:  conveys a spirited and determined nature, often associated with the resilience and strength exhibited by Indigenous individuals and communities in the face of adversity and cultural challenges. •  Rescind:  signifies the act of revoking or canceling something, highlighting the historical and ongoing need to challenge and overturn oppressive policies, practices, or laws that negatively impact Indigenous peoples'

May 26 2023 Chapter 7 Minerva Story & Girl in the Red Dress Compare & Contrast Assignment

Chapter 7 Minerva Story & Girl in the Red Dress Compare & Contrast Assignment. Options - solo work OR pair work. Compare and contrast elements within both stories. T chart, Venn Diagram - bullet points etc. You have the class to complete this assignment.

May 24 2023 Red Dress Installation Walking Field Trip

 Red Dress Installation Walking Field Trip From Ms. England Tansii, The REDress Project began as an art installation by Métis artist Jaime Black in 2010. Since then, the REDress Project has become a movement and Red Dress Day is annually observed on May 5th. This day of observation and action brings awareness to the ongoing crisis of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People.  Jessica Stewardson is working closely with a group of Indigenous girls and allies from RSS to create a REDress installation on the foot of Mt. Revelstoke, in the forest behind the Railway Museum.  The installation will begin on May 5  and continue through to May 26. As the SD 19 Indigenous Education Department are all Indigenous women, it would be a very heavy emotional load for us to provide supported programming for this installation. Because even discussions can be re-traumatizing, we ask that teachers independently conduct this fieldtrip with their classes. We strongly encourage all i

May 23 2023 Chapter 7 The 4 Winds Review & Read

Review -   A Rougarou Story  from  Métis Legacy Vol II Review: Chapter 7 Vocab Chapter 7 The Four Winds pg 56 Vocab   •  Nonchalant:  refers to a state of being calm and relaxed, often displayed in the face of adversity or challenging circumstances without losing connection to cultural resilience and strength.   •  Pendleton blanket:  symbolizes a traditional and significant item of warmth, comfort, and cultural identity, often representing the rich history and artistry of indigenous peoples' weaving traditions.   •  Bilious:  connotes a feeling of sickness, unease, or imbalance within the body, mind, and spirit, reflecting the interconnectedness of health and harmony with the land and community.   •  Atrophy:  signifies a condition of wasting away or a loss of vitality, representing the detrimental effects of colonization, cultural erosion, and disconnection from ancestral knowledge and practices.   •  Wainscoting:  refers to the decorative wooden paneling found on the walls of tr

May 19 2023 Find Your Fit Presentation - Careers Session With Ms. Schieber

 Find Your Fit Presentation - Careers Session With Ms. Schieber

May 17 2023 Chapter 6 A Plaque of Madness & Chapter 7 The Four Winds Intro

Chapter 6 A Plaque of Madness Post Reading - Quote/Map & Group Work Board Assigment: Discuss and map/draw/explain - the concept "Not every Indian is an Indian."  Chapter 7 The Four Winds pg 56 Vocab   • Nonchalant: refers to a state of being calm and relaxed, often displayed in the face of adversity or challenging circumstances without losing connection to cultural resilience and strength.   • Pendleton blanket: symbolizes a traditional and significant item of warmth, comfort, and cultural identity, often representing the rich history and artistry of indigenous peoples' weaving traditions.   • Bilious: connotes a feeling of sickness, unease, or imbalance within the body, mind, and spirit, reflecting the interconnectedness of health and harmony with the land and community.   • Atrophy: signifies a condition of wasting away or a loss of vitality, representing the detrimental effects of colonization, cultural erosion, and disconnection from ancestral knowledge and pr

May 16 2023 Chapter 5 Marrow Thieves - Haunted By The Bush & If Time: Chapter 6 - Plaque of Madness

Vocab Review - Chapter 5 - Haunted In The Bush Latrine:  From an Indigenous perspective in the context of "The Marrow Thieves," a latrine refers to a communal and environmentally mindful bathroom facility used in the makeshift communities where the characters reside, emphasizing the importance of cleanliness and sanitation while respecting the natural surroundings.

May 15 2024 Chapter 4 Marrow Thieves - Magic Words

 Chapter 4 - Marrow Thieves - Magic Words  Apocalyptic: Refers to a future world that has been devastated by climate change, resource depletion, and social collapse, often linked to the prophecies of "the end times" or "the seventh fire" from an Indigenous perspective. Tripwires: Early warning systems used by the characters to detect danger or intruders, reflecting the importance of being attuned to one's environment and the need to be constantly vigilant in order to survive from an Indigenous perspective. Juxtaposition: The contrast between the harsh reality of the world outside and the warmth, comfort, and community of the characters' relationships with one another, reflecting the ongoing tension between traditional Indigenous ways of life and the modern world. Nish: A derogatory term used by non-Indigenous people to refer to Indigenous people, reflecting the long history of colonialism and oppression that Indigenous people have experienced, as well as t

May 12 2023 Assign Teams - Re: Ch 3 Story - Paragraph Response.

 Assign Teams - Re: Ch 3 Story - Paragraph 

May 11 2023 Intro to Red Dress Project & Chapter 3 The Marrow Thieves - Review of Vocab Ch 1-3.

From Ms. England Tansii, The REDress Project began as an art installation by Métis artist Jaime Black in 2010. Since then, the REDress Project has become a movement and Red Dress Day is annually observed on May 5th. This day of observation and action brings awareness to the ongoing crisis of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People.  Jessica Stewardson is working closely with a group of Indigenous girls and allies from RSS to create a REDress installation on the foot of Mt. Revelstoke, in the forest behind the Railway Museum.  The installation will begin on May 5  and continue through to May 26. As the SD 19 Indigenous Education Department are all Indigenous women, it would be a very heavy emotional load for us to provide supported programming for this installation. Because even discussions can be re-traumatizing, we ask that teachers independently conduct this fieldtrip with their classes. We strongly encourage all intermediate and secondary teachers to take